John Cage "ジョン・ケージ・ショック vol.1" CD

Category : * EDITION OMEGA POINT , Others / Collabolation(特殊アイテム他)

track 1: 武満徹 "ピアニストのためのコロナ" 演奏:David Tudor (pf) + 高橋悠治 (pf) (sound file)
track 2: クリスチャン・ウルフ "Duo for Violinist & Pianist" 演奏:David Tudor (pf) + 小林健次 (vn) (sound file)
track 3: ジョン・ケージ "Variations II" 演奏:David Tudor (pf) + John Cage (pf) (sound file)

2012年はジョン・ケージ生誕100年!しかしもう一つの事実、1962年の初来日からちょうど50年でもある!そこでこれまで封印されてきた幻の初来日ツアーのライブ音源を一挙に公開! 自由に組み合わせることができる図形楽譜(杉浦康平デザイン)を使った、武満作品の中でも特異ともいえる不確定性の強い作品「Corona」の、この2人による演奏も貴重で素晴らしいが、なんといっても「Variations II」での、ピアノの内部奏法や電気的ノイズと聴きまごうほどのバリバリという破壊的騒音は、彼らの音楽思想が当時のシーンに与えた衝撃そのもの!

1. Toru Takemitsu - Corona for Pianists (9 mins) - Performer: David Tudor (pf) + Yuji Takahashi (pf)
2. Christian Wolff - Duo For Pianist & Violinist (12 mins) - Performer: David Tudor (pf) + Kenji Kobayashi (vn)
3. John Cage - Variations II (20 mins) - Performer: David Tudor (pf) + John Cage (pf)

The performances on this tour featured Cage and Tudor with some noteworthy Japanese musicians playing pieces by Cage and a number of other composers. Volume 1 begins with Toru Takemitsu's Corona for Pianists (1962), played by Tudor and Yuji Takahashi, an indeterminate piece scored using transparencies, a sign of Cage's influence on younger Japanese composers of the era. Following this is Duo for Violinist and Pianist (1961) by Christian Wolff, written specifically for David Tudor and violinist Kenji Kobayashi. The final piece, a near-twenty-minute realization of Variations II (1961), is a rare example of the rougher side of Cage, work that presaged much of the live electronic music and noise of the following decades, an aspect of his oeuvre which is woefully under-represented on CD. Cage and Tudor, using well-amplified contact microphones on a piano, deliver an electrifying performance, alternating distorted stretches of harsh 60s reality with bountiful silences.

型番 Edition OMEGA POINT + EM Records
定価 2,700円(税込)





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