伊東篤宏「R.G.B./ Pre OPTRON 1999」CD

Category : * EDITION OMEGA POINT , Experimental Music of Japan(日本の実験音楽-その1)

[English description is below.]

蛍光灯を使ったインスタレーションで知られる美術家伊東篤宏の、そのフリッカーノイズによる最初期の演奏を10年以上前にOMEGA POINTでCDRを少部数制作した。エフェクトも通さずコントロールもままならない当時のプリミティブな音具は、ただ激しく明滅のビートと電磁波ノイズをまきちらすだけの暴走する「装置」であり、自作楽器OPTRONに進化した現在では再現できないもの。作家本人でさえもあらためてホレボレした記念碑的作品ゆえに、今回このシリーズとしての新装丁で待望の再発!

3_flicker-2_3'32" (sound file)
4_turn on & out_3'10"
6_altervision_6'13" (sound file)

1965年生まれ。美術家。90年代より蛍光灯を素材としたインスタレーションを制作。98年に蛍光灯の放電ノイズを拾って出力する音具、OPTRONを制作、命名。展覧会会場などでライヴを開始する。2000年以降、国内外の展覧会(個展、グループ展等)、音楽フェスティバルなどからの招集を受け、世界各国で展示とライヴ・パフォーマンスをおこなっている。当初、遠隔操作で独立したオブジェクト・スタイルだったOPTRONも数々の改良を重ね、2005 年より現在の手持ちの形態となり、所謂サウンドアート的展開から様々なタイプのサウンド・パフォーマー達やダンサーとの共演、コラボレーションも多数おこなっている。ソロ活動以外にドラマーの進 揚一郎との爆音オプチカル・ノイズコアバンドOptrumや、フリージャズトリオ、今井和雄TRIOでも活動中。自身のレーベル「GOTOBAI recordings」を2009年より始動。

Experimental Music of Japan vol.6
Atsuhiro Ito "R.G.B./ Pre OPTRON 1999" CD

This CD is remastered reissue of very limited CDR released by OMEGA POINT in 1999. My homemade instrument 'OPTRON' - it outputs flicker-noise of fluorescent lamps as sound directly - is little-known recently now, but in that early years, the primitive object was no named yet (who called 'Pre OPTRON'). It was not only uncontrollable and unstable, but also the sound was so barbaric. However, I had no intention that I controll the system and 'perform' as 'music'. I recorded the electric 'phenomenon' by flicker of fluorescent lamp innocently.

I named 'OPTRON Sound System' first for equipments when I performed a live show after release of the CDR. This sound materials of this CD (=CDR) were not recorded as a noise-performance, but rather, they would be called records of phenomenon as effect from experimental works - it's on extention of my installation works - in a secret room.
This 'fluorescent performance' had not gotten good reputation from my acquaintances in those days. However, I was interested in the lights and sounds simply, and it is not too much to say that it's only a feeling "wow, it's so exciting!". I think no meaning and reason for the work since the first time and now. - from liner note

profile of artist:
born in 1965. He launched his career as a visual artist in the late '80s, and in ‘98 began presenting sound performances at art exhibitions and so on. Ito made use of fluorescent lighting (which is also an element of his art installations) in the creation of an original musical device called the OPTRON. In addition, Ito is active in a number of musical units. One of these is Optrum, the explosively loud "extreme optical noise core band" consisting of Ito and drummer Yoichiro Shin. And another one is free jazz trio"Kazuo Imai Trio" with Kazuo Imai (guitar, a member of Marginal Consort) and Manabu Suzuki (electronics). He published his own label "GOTOBAI recordings" in 2009.

型番 Edition OMEGA POINT OPX-006
定価 2,484円(税込)





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