鈴木治行 “電子音楽作品集2” CD

Category : * EDITION OMEGA POINT , Experimental Music of Japan(日本の実験音楽-その2)

(English is below)


1_CIRCUIT I / 2006_15'19" (sound file)
5_CIRCUIT III (version 2023) / 2023_23'07" (sound file)
「電子音楽作品集1」(2008年リリース)に収録した《CIRCUIT II》に関連する2つの作品、《CIRCUIT I》と《CIRCUIT III》が収められているところにまずはご注目願いたい。《CIRCUIT》と名付けられた電子音楽のシリーズにおいては、前の作品を素材にして次の作品が作られる。そのやり方は、前の《CIRCUIT》を2枚のCDRに焼いたものをCD-Jで掛け合わせる。こうして、最初に作った《CIRCUIT I》を元に《CIRCUIT II》が作られた。そしてその《CIRCUIT II》を2枚のCDRに焼いてCD-Jで掛け合わせてできたのが今回《CIRCUIT III》である。この操作は永遠に続けることができるので、今後また今回の《CIRCUIT III》を掛け合わせて《CIRCUIT IV》を作る予定である。このシリーズは単体で聴いていただいてもいいのだが、前作や次作と聴き比べるとまた一興ではないだろうか。素材が同じなので同じような音響が出てくるのがわかるはずだが、場合によってその現れ方は全く変形されていたり、あるいはそのままだったりするだろう。

このCDだけ聴くと、《CIRCUIT II》が抜けているので、《 I 》と《 III 》の間の変化が大きいように感じられるかもしれない。また、この《CIRCUIT》シリーズの掛け合わせには即興的な要素が多分に介入しており、生演奏もできるのだが、演奏のたびに異なる結果となる。したがって、作品の同定性は同じ素材から作ったという点にしかない。例えば今後どこかで《CIRCUIT II》を元に《CIRCUIT III》を演奏したとして、このCDに収録されている《CIRCUIT III》とは異なったものとなる。つまり、フィックスされた電子音楽とは違って、作品の決定版というものはなく、複数のその時々のバージョンが生まれるのだ。

2_Creeps / 2001_10'04" (sound file)
3_Fil / 2005_8'13" (sound file)

4_Transmitted Light (透過光) / 2014_8'30" (sound file)

Haruyuki Suzuki “Electronic Works 2” (CD)

I’m going to talk about the works in this CD. It includes CIRCUIT I and CIRCUIT III, they belong to the CIRCUIT series”. CIRCUIT II was included in my "Electronic Works vol.1. I’m going to explain for those people who don’t know the "Works vol.1”. In the series of electronic m
usic entitled CIRCUIT, the next work is created using the material from the previous one. At first I burn the precious CD into two CDRs, next I cross them and make new CIRCUIT music by using two CD-J players. Since this operation can be continued forever, CIRCUIT IV will be created by multiplying CIRCUIT III in the future.

This series can be listened to on its own, but it would be interesting to compare it with the previous one or the next one. Since the material is the same, you will hear the same kind of sound, but in some cases, it may be completely transformed, and in other cases, it may remain the same. If you listen to this CD alone, you may feel that the change between CIRCUIT I and CIRCUIT III is significant, because CIRCUIT II is missing. In addition, there are many improvisational elements that intervene in the multiplication of this CIRCUIT series, and although it can be performed live, the result will be different each time it is performed. Therefore, the only identifiability of the work lies in the fact that it was created from the same material. For example, if CIRCUIT III were to be performed somewhere in the future based on CIRCUIT II, it would be different (but roughly similar) to CIRCUIT III on this CD. In other words, unlike fixed electronic music, there is no definitive version of a work, and multiple versions of a work are created from time to time. Thus, the CIRCUIT series on CD is also not a definitive version, but a version from time to time.

Creeps and Fil were composed in 2001 and 2005, respectively, and have never been released publicly. I don't remember the details of Creeps because I composed it so long time ago, but I remember I made it using a Roland VS-1680 digital MTR, which I often used at that time. This piece belongs to an unusual trend in my electronic music: music that people observes its minimal repetition and gradual changes in noise.

Fil is not at all similar to Creeps, it’s partly because they have originally different direction, but also because I started to use CD-J during this period. The change in equipment used has a profound effect on the concept. This CD-J line has continued to this day, and in that respect, Fil is broadly similar to the way the CIRCUIT series was created.

Only Transmitted Light is not electronic music, but an electrone* piece. This piece was commissioned and premiered by Yukino Ichikawa in 2017. If this piece sounds so peculiar in this CD, it is not because it is instrumental music, but because it is a different line from the other pieces. I won't bore you with the details, but I have recently been referring to this line as "elastic series”. It is completely different music from Creeps, but they were both influenced by Steve Reich. Come to think of it, I've never composed ‘elastic’ electronic music yet, so I will try to make it some next time.
*Electone is the name of an electronic organ produced by YAMAHA.
Performed by Yukino Ichikawa.

型番 Edition OMEGA POINT OPX-015





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