V.A “ピアニスト・一柳慧” CD

Category : * EDITION OMEGA POINT , Experimental Music of Japan(日本の実験音楽-その2)

(English is below)
作曲家一柳慧は、言うまでもなくピアニストでもある。そのパフォーマーとしての手腕がいかんなく発揮された演奏の記録を集めてみた。1950-60年代に作曲された7つの《ピアノ音楽》(OMEGAからCD化)から半世紀以上を経て生まれた《ピアノ音楽第8》と、グラフィックデザイナー浅葉克己の展覧会での即興演奏における冷徹な演奏は、しばしば協働してきた有馬純寿の電子的デバイスでアシストされている。どちらも同じピアニストとして深く共鳴するデヴィッド・チュードアを想起させる名演。そしてそのチュードアのために書かれたSylvano Bussottiの《デヴィッド・チュードアのための5つのピアノ曲》を弾いた珍しい音源も発掘!これも若き日の演奏なのか、キレキレ!

デヴィッド・チュードアのための5つのピアノ曲 第3番 / 1959_3’49” (sound file)
tr.2_一柳慧 ピアノ音楽第8 / 2012_12’25” (sound file)
tr.3_一柳慧 浅葉克己展における即興演奏 / 2009_24’04” (sound file)

1_シルヴァーノ・ブソッティ デヴィッド・チュードアのための5つのピアノ曲より 第3番 / 1959
音楽評論家秋山邦晴が遺した膨大なカセットテープの中に、この作品の録音が2つ収められたものがあった。一つは一柳慧、もう一つはD. Tudorとだけ書かれている。それぞれは曲が同じというだけで関連はないように見える。おそらく秋山は、大学などで教材として使うために、この作品に焦点を当てて編集したのだろう。ブソッティはしばしば絵画のような図形楽譜で作曲するので、一聴しただけでは判別がつきにくいが、楽譜を持っている高橋アキによれば、3番と思われるとのことだった。一柳はこの録音について記憶にないようだが、弾いたとすればNHKか草月アートセンターだろうという説明があった。

2_一柳慧 ピアノ音楽第8 / 2012

3_一柳慧 浅葉克己展における即興演奏 / 2009

V.A “Toshi Ichiyanagi, A Pianist” CD

The composer Toshi Ichiyanagi is, needless to say, also a pianist. We have collected recordings of his performances demonstrating his superb skills and ability. "Music for Piano No. 8," on which he is accompanied by Sumihisa Arima, a frequent collaborator, on electronic devices, is particularly noteworthy. His cool-headed improvisation in the gallery reminds us of David Tudor, with whom he shares a deep resonance as a pianist. A rare recording of Sylvano Bussotti's "Five Piano Pieces for David Tudor," which was written specifically for Tudor, has also been recovered!

tr.1_Sylvano Bussotti Five Piano Pieces for David Tudor No.3 / 1959_3’49”
tr.2_Toshi Ichiyanagi Music for Piano No.8 / 2012_12’25”
tr.3_Toshi Ichiyanagi Improvisation in the Katsumi Asaba exhibition / 2009_24’04”

1_Sylvano Bussotti: Five Piano Pieces for David Tudor No.3 / 1959
Among the vast number of cassette tapes left behind by the music critic Kuniharu Akiyama, there were two recordings of this work. One is simply labeled "Toshi Ichiyanagi" and the other "D. Tudor". They do not appear to be related, except that the same piece is played on both recordings. Perhaps Akiyama focused his editing on this work for use as university teaching material. Since Bussotti often composed his music in a pictorial, graphic style, it is difficult to tell which piece is played at first hearing. However, Aki Takahashi, who has the score, said she believes it to be No. 3.

2_Toshi Ichiyanagi: Music for Piano No.8 / 2012
All seven "Music for Piano" pieces were composed from the late 1950s to the early 1960s. In 2011, Takuji Kawai performed and recorded all the pieces together for the first time (see OP’s CD). "No. 8”, was conceived at the same time as the other "Music for Piano" pieces. In addition to the symbolic elements such as figures and words used from "No. 1 " to " No. 7”, the composer also attempted to introduce "non-symbolic" elements that transcended notation. The score shows only the temporal flow of the performance, including spatial sound expressions. As at the premiere, Sumihisa Arima provides electronic accompaniment.

3_Toshi Ichiyanagi: Improvisation at the Katsumi Asaba exhibition / 2009
In 2009, an exhibition by graphic designer and art director Katsumi Asaba called "Design port. Katsumi Asaba exhibition." was held at the Kanagawa Kenmin Hall Gallery. This performance was held at the venue on July 20 during the exhibition. Ichiyanagi played a Dongba script manuscript which Asaba had been researching on a prepared piano, as if it were a musical score. Dongba script is a hieroglyphic script handed down from ancient times to the present day among the Naxi people, a minority tribe in the north of China’s Yunnan Province. Arima used a computer to convert the script into music.

型番 Edition OMEGA POINT OPX-014





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